Use of aloe vera

Aloe vera is a very thick and short stemmed plant that stores water in its leaves. This plant has a lot of benefits in pharmaceuticals, cosmetic and food industries.

This is also used as a major ingredient in best Ayurvedic products in India because it has a lot of health benefits. The aloe vera leaves are full of slimy tissues that stores water and so the leaves are thick. This slimy water produces the aloe vera gel which is associated with most aloe vera products.

The gel contains a lot of bio active compounds in the plant that includes minerals, vitamins, amino acids and anti oxidants. That is why; it is also termed to be a very popular medical plant. Here are some major benefits of aloe vera.

It has anti oxidants and anti bacterial properties

The aloe vera gel has a lot of powerful anti oxidants and it belongs to a large family of substance called the polyphenols. These, along with several other compounds that are present in aloe vera which can prevent the growth of certain infection in a human body.

 Accelerates the healing of burns

This aloe vera is mainly used as an ingredient in topical medicines. This is mostly rubbed on the skin and it kind of soothes the skin in many ways. That is why; it is mainly used in certain sort of treatments like burns, sores and also sometimes sun burns. In fact, aloe vera ointments are said to be a very effective one on skin burns. Use of aloe vera can also reduce the healing time of burn for almost about a week as compared to the other conventional medicines.

Reduces dental plaque

This can also reduce the diseases of gums and tooth decay. The best way to prevent tooth decay is to prevent the build up of plaque in the teeth. Many people are advised to use aloe vera juice as a standard mouth wash ingredient. One can see an effective result in the decrease of tooth plaques after using it for a week. Aloe vera is said to kill all the germs producing bacteria in the mouth and so it has to be used as a regular mouth wash.

Helps to treat canker sores

There are many people who experience mouth ulcers or canker sores. They are mainly formed underneath the lips or inside the mouth and when they happen, they stay for about 7 to 10 days. When aloe vera patches are applied to the area where the ulcer has happened then it can act in a very effective way to reduce the ulcers.

 Reduces constipation

 Sometimes, aloe vera is not used as a gel but as a latex which provides a lot of benefits. The latex is a sticky yellow residue that comes from the aloe vera leaves. It has compounds like barbaloin and aloin that has proper laxative effects. But this does not have any direct effect on digestive disorders.

So, when it comes to best Ayurvedic products company in India they do rely on aloe vera ingredients.

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