Types Of Gynecological Cancers And How To Minimise Their Impact

Cancer is a condition characterised by uncontrolled multiplication of cells. Gynecological cancers are a group of five cancers that affect a woman’ reproductive system. These are cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer and vulvar cancer. In this article Dr Anjali Kumar, one of the top gynaecologists in Gurgaon sheds some light on these different types of cancers and how to minimise their risk.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects the cells lining the cervix. The cervix is the region connecting the vagina to the uterus. While the causes of cervical cancer are still unclear, HPV or human papilloma virus is considered to be one of the most significant risk factors. HPV is extremely common. It can be transmitted through sexual intercourse as well. Most types of HPV do no harm and can go undetected, however, a few strains of HPV are considered high risk and can result in cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer progresses gradually. This gives ample opportunity to detect and treat it. However, in these early stages there may not be any symptoms of the cancer. Hence, routine pap tests and gynecological checkups are the most important aspect of minimising the impact of cervical cancer. HPV vaccination is also available and is recommended for women who are sexually active. Hospitals like the CK Birla Hospital are known to be the top hospital in Gurgaon and offer comprehensive gynecological care and screening.

Ovarian cancer

The female reproductive system has two ovaries. These ovaries are responsible for producing and releasing eggs as well as hormones (estrogen and progesterone). If the cancer starts here, it is called ovarian cancer. Most women are diagnosed with this cancer only once it spreads to the pelvis and abdomen. At this stage, this condition is tough to treat and can result in death. Some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer includes abdominal bloating or swelling, unusual or unexplained weight loss, discomfort in the pelvis region, changes in bowel habits and frequent urge to urinate. If you have a family history of ovarian or breast cancer, you should go for routine screening and get tested for cancer genes.

Vaginal cancer

Vaginal cancer is a rare form of cancer that develops in the vagina. Diagnosing this in its early stages offers the best chance of recovery. Once it spreads beyond the vagina, treatment options reduce drastically. Regular screening and pap tests are your best defence against vaginal cancer. Smoking has also been shown to increase the risk of this type of cancer, you can reduce its risk by following a healthier lifestyle and not smoking.

Endometrial or Uterine cancer

This type of cancer starts in the cells lining the uterus. The lining of the uterus is called endometrium, hence the name endometrial cancer. Unlike other gynecological cancers, endometrial cancer can be diagnosed early as it produces unusual vaginal bleeding (after menopause or between periods) as well as pelvic pain. Treatment involves surgically removing the uterus. Women who start their periods early, have never been pregnant, are overweight or obese, are undergoing hormone therapy etc have a higher risk of developing endometrial cancer.

Vulvar cancer

Vulvar cancer is a rare form of cancer that occurs on the outer surface of the vagina. The vulva is the region that surrounds the urethra and vagina, it includes the clitoris and labia. The risk of developing this cancer increases with age, exposure to HPV, history of precancerous conditions or having any skin infection on the vulva. Practicing safe sex with the use of condoms, limiting the number of sexual partners and HPV vaccination has been shown to reduce the risk of getting this form of cancer.

The main challenge with gynecological cancers is that they don’t exhibit any obvious symptoms at their initial changes. By the time the symptoms show, the cancer could have spread to the rest of the body, making treatment difficult if not impossible. Hence routine screening and gynecological checkups are your best bet against any of these cancers. If you suspect any of the cancer or its symptoms visit your nearest hospital for cancer in gurgaon and get tested without any delay.

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