Thinning hair? Yes, that god-awful problem that all women and men battle on a daily basis. Thinning hair is a very common issue that people have started facing because of several reasons. Stress, water, lack of nutrients, harsh hair treatments and styling to name a few. How do you spot that your hair is thinning? You check for bald spots, receding hairline and excessive hair fall. To explore the world of hair care remedies read on

  • OILS: Oiling your hair is absolutely a necessity. Shampooing washes your hair of the oils secreted naturally from your body. That makes your hair excessive hair fall, more than needed. Oils help to replenish your hair with the necessary vitamins, minerals and gives it some extra moisture.
  • HAIR MASKS: Hair masks are made up of several ingredients that act as a nourishing agent separately and together. Hair masks have many micronutrients that can help the hair shine and become fuller. Hair masks help the hair grow, nourish dry roots and ends. The split ends of the hair are given extra nourishment to repair themselves.
  • FOOD: Yes, what you put inside your body makes a lot of difference to your hair. Food for hair is a real thing. Eggs, carrots, spinach are just some of the several foods which can help your hair falling and thinning.
  • SUPPLEMENTS: Hair supplements like folic acid, biotin, corticosteroids are some of the few supplements which when taken help your hair not thin or help the hair have a thicker texture.
  • EXERCISE: Exercising is very essential for your body to have better blood circulation. Better blood circulation means the blood reaches your scalp better and helps the hair grow more. Exercising also helps open the pores and hair follicles which might have been closed for whatever reasons. This helps the roots grow better.


Let’s get one thing straight, thinning hair is NOT hair loss. Thinning hair is when your hair is losing its density. It causes your hair to become thinner gradually. A normal hair loss of 50-100 hair strands a day when you brush or comb your hair is healthy, but any more and your red alarms should be up.


Along with the food and herbal remedies, you need to use some over the counter products which help in reducing or stopping the hair thinning process. These products have certain ingredients that are complex and help the hair’s thinning lessen. These products are also specifically made for thinning hair and the scalp which must be cleaned with mild soaps. The Paul Mitchell scalp care anti-thinning shampoo is perfect for you since it gently cleanses the scalp and helps your thinning hair be safe from harsh chemicals. The shampoo is made up of Kakadu plum, pea peptides, clover flower, turmeric, and ginseng. Followed by the Paul Mitchell scalp care anti-thinning conditioner helps detangle thin and fine hair ever so daintily and last but not the least the Paul Mitchell scalp care anti-thinning hair tonic is perfect for having to spearhead your hair’s thickening process. The Paul Mitchell anti thinning tonic can be used twice daily by spraying it on your hair. This will help your hair be thicker and help your hair follicles be aided in growing thicker hair. Paul Mitchell is known to bring some of the best revolutions in the hair care industry, the Paul Mitchell anti thinning tonic is just another feather in his cap. Paul Mitchell’s scalp care anti thinning tonic has reported having about an 85% rate of success (you people suffering from thinning hair better get to!!)

In conclusion, we’d suggest Paul Mitchell’s scalp care anti-thinning line of care and more specifically the Paul Mitchell anti-thinning tonic. We definitely believe a combination of home remedies, oiling, and extra supplements along with the Paul Mitchell scalp care anti-thinning tonic, shampoo, and conditioner will be great for your hair to begin the process of mending the thinning of the hair. We do advise caution when eating supplements because too much of anything can cause your body to have an adverse effect, we definitely do not want that, now do we?!

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