Learn To Play Piano lesson in Los Angeles Today

When you say music that can heal someone’s soul, the first thing you will remember is the piano. Its 88 keys not only create music, it built discipline in your life. The perfect age to start learning piano is childhood. However, no one can determine the age of learning. This timeless instrument has always been connected to likes of the great music composers of our millennium. Composers like Mozart and Beethoven have used the piano to create symphonies that move people off their feet with the piano.

Piano Lessons in Los Angeles

However, it wasn’t until 1700’s and 1800’s for the industrial revolution that the piano really started building its name as a house hold instrument. Due to the faster production in steel and Iron, manufacturing for pianos became cheaper. People started growing an interest to the easy access of a piano similar to the growth of the car.
Musical cities like Los Angeles can offer you the best option to learn piano, with bars to visit and hear a great piece.
Simple steps to learn Piano
  1. Keyboard Layout: Each key on the piano keyboard corresponds with the note on a staff of music, you need to understand that first. Practice is needed to learn this well.
  2. Relaxation: Try to touch the piano keys lightly and gently. If your fingers are rigid, stiff, with the anxiety of trying to get the right notes at the right time, it will be much more difficult to perfect it. Relax your hands and things will become much easie.
  3. Enjoyment: The key is enjoyment. Play whatever music you like and don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone. Anything you play will develop your skills and improve your techniques. If you are practicing by ear, play what you are familiar with: advertising jingles, TV theme music, popular folk songs, etc.
  4. Fluidity improvement: Playing by ear requires patience but it will increase your fluidity in your piece. Sit down and play the melody to theme songs or a popular jingle to test your abilities. Adding some harmonies can also be appropriate.
  5. Memory improvement: Try to play your piece before you go to bed as this will help your brain sleep on your thoughts. Not only will It help you sleep but the quite environment is perfect to play in. In the mornings you tend to be more active and have a shorter memory, and during sleep that gets transferred to a long term. That is why your memories will be better and wont replace your rapid thinking in the mornings. Playing the song one time, before bed, will bring these memories to the foreground.
  6. Keeping the Rhythm: Rhythm is what moves your body and it is almost like muscle memory, so it really helps to hold it when playing. Even if you are playing a portion of a song, the moment you get down your rhythm the rest will become easier. Don’t play the chords, or play one or two notes in the cord rather than the whole thing. Most people actually wont realize that that note is missing.
These are just some of the theories we teach in our classes forPiano Lessons in Los Angeles. We can guide you through every technique and tips of learning piano better, by the best teachers in the music industry.

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