3 Ways To Protect Your Business Against Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks can sometimes be easy to spot. They are typically emails sent to you or your business that contain access to a website via an enticing link, and the website may well even be a bonafide company website. However, the alarm bells can start to go off when you need to fill in your login details on a pop-up screen rather than on the main page. If this happens and it doesn’t feel right, or on previous visits, this has not been the case, or it is a website you are not used to using, it is a good idea to enter an incorrect most robust passwords , or abandon the process altogether and notify your IT department. To get an idea of how our system is vulnerable and ways to prevent a cyber attack or compromise data online it is highly proposed to go through the best IT Security course online.

If the incorrect password is accepted as genuine, then the chances are it is a phishing site, and you should report it. It is always a good idea to enter any website via a web address rather than use a link supplied in an email.

As today’s business is mainly carried out online due to the fact that most office-based employees are now working remotely, cyber-attacks are even more prevalent than before and are ever more sophisticated and determined.

The need for protection from scams and phishing attacks is more evident. Thankfully, there are numerous ways to protect yourself, your employees, clients, and businesses to make it harder for attacks to succeed. Here are just a few ways that can help.

#1 Passwords

Ask your employees to change their passwords regularly. Ensure that they aren’t using anything related to them personally or which could be easily worked out. The most robust passwords are the ones that include lower and upper case letters, numbers and symbols and that do not contain dictionary words. The longer the password, the better. (Although your employees will have to remember them as writing down passwords can also invite a breach of security.)

Remind all employees and clients alike about not giving out any personal data such as PINs and passwords over the internet or on the phone to anyone.

#2 Security Companies

Another good idea for extra peace of mind is to employ an online security company to take over your cybersecurity. Online security companies offer a wide range of services. It is always helpful to have an expert willing to help on the end of a phone or even an email away. There is also usually a quick data recovery process to fall back on should anything go wrong. Click here to find out more information on email scams and phishing, as well as on the services offered by an online security company.

#3 Training

Offer your employees training on how to spot and deal with scams and phishing emails. Having a designated contact should they come across anything suspicious to report to would be beneficial as it would keep all reports going to one place. Holding meetings to keep all employees up to date on scams and phishing emails could also help keep everyone aware of cybercriminal’s targets.

In conclusion

With so much information and functionality on the internet, cyber-attacks are a genuine threat. Prevention is always better than a cure as falling foul of a cyber attack can be costly for all concerned; it could even spell the end of your business, and you should take it very seriously. All scam and phishing attacks should be reported to the department as well as the police.

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