8 Creative Ways to Remember to take your Medicine

A list of tasks is ready to gain our attention after we are done with one. This continuous cycle of completing the necessary actions push a person towards the edge. During this struggle, a person might remember to take their pills on time but it is not the same as actually taking them. Some helpful tactics should be made a part of the routine. These can help a person take medicine on time.

  • Practice it

The brain is made to be trained into doing things the way a person likes. Some involuntary actions take place without even trying to do them. They are coded in the factory settings and if by any chance that action it skipped, the mind does not rest till it completes it. There is a nagging feeling at a corner of the thoughts that persuades the happening of that activity. The same should be done in the case of medicines. By forcing the intake of pills at a specific time for at least 30 days can develop a habit. It will then be difficult to forget.

  • Gaining knowledge

Mostly, learning about something stays with us for a long time. Understanding the facts about medicine can help to a great extent. It can tell why a certain drug is necessary at a certain time. it is a beneficial and educating way to remember daily intake. Some drawbacks of not consuming the medicines can also surface during the study. It makes the mind panic and stores that information permanently. Now, when the thought of taking the pills occurs during the day the brain will force a person to take it on spot.

  • Electronic help

Many software developers have understood this dilemma. Either with personal experience or by seeing people around them, the engineers knew they were needed. They figured out the necessity to provide something trendy to help patients through technology. There are many applications that are made for this purpose. They can be downloaded on the phone and used at will. A huge range of features is available in every other application to make it unique and more helpful. These tools are a source of convenience for the patients of every classification. They are a direct alternative to medicine boxes.

  • Peer support

Human race works well in a group. They cannot survive alone as they need the help of family and friends to survive. Along with all the other tasks that need the collaboration of two individuals, taking medicine can also become one of them. A person should try asking the people around them to remind them to take medicine on time. If they also inhabit of forgetting their medicine intake then this practice can help both beings.

  • Drug units

Medicine boxes with lids are the best way to make sure that the right medicine is taken on the right day. They are marked with the relative information on every division to help out the patient. Things like the quantity, time of day, and the reason for medicine can be written on them. Boxes like this work as a perfect reminder during the day. They can be kept near the bedside table or at a place where it is not possible to miss their presence. They are also easy to carry and can keep the medicine from going stale.

  • Alarms

Mobile phones are the gadgets of the century. Almost everyone has a newly engineered version of this gadget in their hand. Out of all the features that come with a phone, an alarm clock is a very significant one of them. By setting a repetitive alarm of a specific time, a person can get a loud notification. This reminder works better than any other way as it is punctual and cannot create any error. This fault-free way is a sure method of remembering to take medicine on time. Other detail can also be added in the label section.

  • Beautiful boxes

Some people might find it difficult to take medicine because of the way they look. The nauseous feeling of heaviness on the sight is enough to make people forget about its intake. Either consciously or subconsciously, this unsettling feeling towards pills becomes a reason for not taking medicine at all. With the use of beautiful boxes, a mind can be tricked into feeling better. This energy can be channelled into drug consumption.

  • Little rituals

Imagine taking a pill three times a day and forgetting whether it was taken in the morning or not. This can be changed by introducing little rituals in the routine. One of the ways is to flip the cover of the medicine box after taking it in the morning, then changing its position again in the afternoon and finally closing the box at night. These and other customs can be included in the routine to remember this important detail.

These are little tips and helping points that can guide a person. Using medicine boxes and electronic gadgets in any other way can also be introduced by the person. All these points are only helpful if a person starts practicing them. Once they become a part of a person’s life, it is difficult to get over it.

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